Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lecture Reaction

Candy Depew was the speaker at last weeks seminar. She was a very inspiring woman who has traveled and lived all over the world making creations in various different studios. She specializes in creating sculptures with bone china. The pieces were so beautiful and whimsical. I loved the sword piece and the use of the simplistic colors. I also really enjoyed the apartment she created. It reminded me of Peter Max's work with the use of color and psychedelic concept. Her lecture talked about different studios she has worked in that made it possible to create her beautiful works of art. I really enjoyed her presentation and found it very inspiring.


This label was pretty easy to do. It mostly dealt with the different shape tools and how they can be manipulated to make a whole new form.

Here's another one for you kiddos!

I made this symbol to represent me because I am an animal lover... and really just love cute things =]


One big happy family. =]

Monday, September 20, 2010

Visit to the Met

The art experience I chose to write about was our recent field trip to the Met. I really enjoyed myself and actually learned a lot of new thins, which was amazing considering how zombie like I was at the beginning. The city was beautiful and so was the art and all of the history it had to share. Dr. Kline led us around and took us to new worlds through different ancient artifacts. I was so amazed to be standing 3 inches away from something Hatshepsut had in her temple thousands of years ago. I was so tempted to touch... but that was not acceptable. I really enjoyed myself and after wards we even got to see the city a little bit. It was a lovely day and I wouldn't want to spend a Saturday doing anything else!

Memoir Part II

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Remix Manifesto

So here's the thing.. I don't really think that what this dj is doing is that bad. He may be sampling other people's music, but at least he is putting his own spin on it. Hell, he's probably even making it better. He gives the other artist credit and he is able to make something different from the media he is using. It would just be like an artist using the same style as another artist, but remixing it to their own aesthetic. I don't think people should be so uptight about other people using their work because if it was honestly something that great, then we would all know who created and whose copying it. I think the artists of the music he is using should be flattered that someone was inspired to make something out of their hard work. Why can't we all just get along!?

One Week Down..

So, the first week at art school didn't exactly feel like some cosmic fate that was meant to happen. It wasn't entirely horrific, but it definitely made me question what it is I am doing here and why the hell I didn't choose to be an engineer or architect (other than the fact I'm terrible at math). The teachers are intimidating (well not all of them.. but a good chunk of them), the other kids are incredibly talented, and sometimes I feel like Tyler is just too modern for a farm-town girl like me. It's sad to say that I started loosing hope within the first couple of days. That is until my mom sat me down and said, "Kayla, suck it up." I had nothing to say to that, because she was right. I was being a big old baby, and there was positively no reason for it. Everyone here is going through the same exact crap that I am going through and nobody else is crying to their moms (at least not in public). I want to make my mom proud of me and I also want to prove something to myself. Sometimes we can be our own worst critics, but eventually we have to forget about all of the negativity and just go with what we feel. What am I feeling right now you ask? I am feeling another week of art school with tons and tons of more 2D folios, city hall drawings, and 8:00 am classes. It may not be glamourous, but it's my life right now and I'm fine with that.